
Found: Bathroom Vanity

So, after months and months searching thrift stores, antique shops and craigslist, we finally found our vanity!!! It was definitely worth the wait. I was getting a little discouraged, thinking that my idea to repurpose an old piece of furniture for our vanity was wishful thinking. Jeremy was watching my craigslist obsession carefully and was about to have an intervention. (thanks for your patience, J!)

Luckily, we came upon a $30 nightstand on craigslist that was just the right size and look for our bathroom redo. The woman in Clayton who sold it to me said it was passed down from her mother, but she just didn't have a place for it.

And, I just picked out a vessel sink and faucet that will hopefully transform this piece into a fully functioning bathroom vanity. Here's hopin'!

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