
take a leap

Leap day is officially the most underrated holiday (in my opinion). It gets no love. I feel like it should be a huge deal. Why aren't we throwing a party or counting down like we do for New Year's? It only comes every four years and it gives everyone the impossible...extra time. An entire extra day!! Why is this not a day we have off work to go crazy, do something we would never think to do, or take risks. This year, 2012 has 366 days. Here are some thing you could do with the extra 24 hours.

1. Watch all of the Oscar-nominated best picture films in one day. This is doable, people.

2. Start a blog. With the extra time you could do something brilliant like this or this.

2. Learn the thriller dance (you know you have always wanted to).

3. Take a leap of faith: conquer a fear, sky dive, or cross something off your bucket list that you though you would never do.

4. Try all 76 flavors of gooey butter cake here.

5. Look up an old friend.

6. Dye your hair or get a pixie cut...something dramatic.

7. Commit to completing a pinterest project. For real, this time.

8. Write a note to someone out of the blue.
I would suggest these fabulous cards from cheree berry paper.

9. Rearrange all of your furniture.

10. Get down on one knee. (It's a leap day tradition for a gal to propose to their beau!)

Whatever you do today, make it grand.


  1. I actually rather agree about Leap Day... however, I do not agree with the Gooey Butter cake suggestion... I've only ever had a bite of it... once. A guy I used to know found out I'd never had it and brought some into my work... the texture of it and the butter. It was too much for this girl

  2. Oh, I love it!! It is very rich, though.

  3. My father didn't believe in sugar or sweets for children, so that's probably why... and I didn't grow up in this area (had actually never heard of it before living here)
